⭐️ LIMITED TIME OFFER: The next 25 orders get a FREE BT21 RJ the Foodie Rice Bowl Keyring. (Free gift will automatically be added to your order during fulfillment).
Turn up the heat to A-Sha with BT21 Red Hot Ramen, RJ the Foodie Approved. With irresistible Spicy Birria and Chili Garlic ramen flavors, these noodles are packed with fiery, mouthwatering spices that will have you savoring every slurp!
Inspired by RJ’s love for good food, these are crafted with A-Sha's best-selling ramen noodles, bringing you a rich, savory meal experience nothing short of red-hot perfection!
⭐️ A-Sha noodles have been featured in Forbes, BuzzFeed, EATER, NYT's Wirecutter, and more! Check out our press here.